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Healthy Food


Welcome to     

Let me first offer you a warm welcome to my Website!
My name is Marcie, and I am looking forward to meeting you and partnering with you to help you feel better and reach your health goals!

Health and wellness are foundational to our quality of life, and it is my passion to help people who are ready to make changes feel better, attain their desired
health improvements, and reach their goals!

If you're here, you're likely looking for answers
to some challenges you're facing with your health.
You might even have questions about w
hat working with
an Orthomolecular Health Practitioner is like
and what to expect going forward. 

A good place to start is on my Meet The Practitioner page, or FAQs page.
You'll find lots of good information there. 
Feel free to also fill out the form below to get in touch with me,
or phone me direct at: 716-777-0973 to get started!


Get in touch

© 2022 by Marcie Macari for SoulFire Nutrition

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