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Healthy Food
My Philosophy

I believe that food is medicine, and that we are all designed with a body that wants to heal itself and actively works toward that goal every minute of every day. Sometimes it needs the support of nutritional adjustments. lifestyle changes, environmental adaptation and give it what it needs to accomplish this goal. 

I believe in every person's ability to improve their physical state, to heal themselves and to take control of their health. It is hard work, but well worth the investment.

I am also a holistic practitioner, so I follow the premise that the ways we have moved through the world, and the ways our experiences have touched us, can create illness. I deal with "whole" people, and those "root" causes are some of the things we explore together.

About Me:

Hi there!


I'm Marcie, and I'm an Orthomolecular Health Practitioner, and the owner of The No BS Bakery, a Gluten and Sugar Free Bakery in Buffalo NY. I opened my original nutrition practice in Ontario Canada in 2013, after studying at the Edison Institute of Nutrition. I studied their 3 year course in 1 year, graduating with first class honors. I helped myself to heal and started to offer my knowledge and service to others. My bakery soon followed in response to my clients' needs for tasty gluten free options, and things just grew from there. :)

I've moved to the Buffalo area, and have just re-opened my practice and am looking so forward to meeting you and helping you attain better health and meet your goals!

I understand what it means to suffer with something awful, with little hope of recovery. I also know what it's like to find few answers in allopathic medicine. When I was 28, I went to sleep with what I thought was a head cold, and woke up with a debilitating illness that left me nearly completely bedridden for over 10 years. No doctor could seem to help me figure out what was actually going on- let alone overcome it, and that led me to look for solutions in food, lifestyle changes, and natural supplements. I was able to help myself, and it is my passion-work to help others find relief and feel better!



© 2022 by Marcie Macari for SoulFire Nutrition

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